Chariya Thach | Portfolio

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Hello! My name is Chariya and welcome to my site.

I'm currently in the process of transferring all my projects onto this webpage.

In the meantime you can checkout some of my projects below.

My courses emphasized functionality over style and aesthetics. You'll see that most of my designs are bare. Before I transfer all of my projects, my goal is to apply my HTML, CSS and JavaScript knowledge to add visual appeal and accessibility to all my projects.

Courses I've taken

Featured Projects by Course

C SCI 116: Web/Database Programming I

Form that allows users to enter in loan details such as principal amount, term (months), and interest rate.

C SCI 215: Web/Database Programming II

Form that allows users to enter a book title, description, price, and book genre.

Assignment requirements: All fields must be entered, price must be a positive number, form should be sticky (retain any values previously entered by the user), and post to itself. When all data is valid, summary is displayed. If data is not valid an error message is displayed.

Assignment demonstrates PHP Data Object (PDO) & Model, View, Controller (MVC) Design. This website uses a form to collect clothing data, stores that data into a phpMyAdmin database, and retrieves the data to display on a separate page.

Assignment requirements: Create a webpage that allows users to enter product data including images into a form, program the image to resize. An image for upload is required. Create a second webpage that displays the contents of the data table. All info are retrieved from the database.

Computer science club website that stores and retrieves specific information and images from a database.