Multiple forms of computer interfaces monitors laptop mobile cell phone with the tools used to create user interfaces
Operating Systems

Designing User Experience for Mobile Apps and Websites

Notes by Linda M. Lane, BFA, MSIM, 3.15.2020
iOS is Apple’s mobile operating system, and Android is Google’s OS. iOS is available in 40 languages. Android is available in more than 100 languages.

Google is the most popular in the world, in part because it is less expensive, in part the reason is most of the code is open source. Apple’s closed OS means they control which devices use it.

Two Operating Systems for Mobile

iOS and Android
Dropdown menus aren’t recommended for the thinner vertical mobile display because there is a better way, context-appropriate input controls, situation-based design.
Android devices use the vertical oriented drawer menu, or hamburger menus. Hamburger menus are more hidden but users seek them out when other choices are not apparent.

iOS uses its tab bar placed at the bottom of the screen, and easy access to hidden menu icons, like the hamburger.

Scrolling is also faster with a gesture on mobile than on computer interfaces. Because it is more convenient users can scroll through more vertical information to make decisions faster.
Apple iPhone interface doesn’t have a back button but uses the top left button to return to a prior screen in the hierarchical order without clicking back through the entire app.

Apple changed the font to San Francisco, from iOS 9, for maximum legibility.